November 17th and 18th – Last seminar of the year! – email for details
or click here
Have you ever wondered how sports models or figure competitors get in shape?

I certainly have. I wonder how more of them don’t end up in hospital with some of the diets, training and cardio regimes they follow…
I’ve been consulting and training female figure models and natural bodybuilders for a number of years and some of the “diets” and “training programs” I’ve seen are ridiculous and down-right stupid…
I’m the guy that will tell you everything you have heard about health, fitness and comp prep is wrong… and then back it up. Don’t believe me?
Check out some of the guys and girls I’ve trained and consulted for:
2-time Ms Olympia and 3-time Ms Australia, Janet Kane
Mark got rid of the useless supplements I was using – and this actually caused me to drop 2 kilos of fat within a week! Jen Halfhide
Started getting results that I only had dreamed about – Aidan Guyett
I feel myself getting fitter and stronger each and everyday – Carley Smith
2-time INBA Mr. Australia, Tristan Boyce
Mark Quilty on comp prep with Mark:
I could go on but I think you get the point…
Let’s cut to the chase here: I’m known for two things: my no BS attitude and my passion for health and fitness. I’ve combined these two traits and put together a seminar packed with information you can take away and use to get the results you’ve been working so hard for.
The seminar isn’t JUST for people who want to compete… It’s for anyone and everyone who is passionate about their health and fitness and wants to look like they can compete.
Results speak for themselves so I’ll let a couple of the participants that attended the last seminar tell their story.
Story 1: Lisa Callingham: “Can’t Believe How Unhealthy My First Comp Prep Was!”
I did my first figure competition in May of this 2011 and was pretty amazed at how unhealthy my prep felt. I really thought there must be a way of achieving the look you need for competition without sacrificing my health and risking metabolic damage and so on, so decided to look for another way.
As a long time subscriber to Mark’s podcasts and info, I knew that he was a great source of information on training and nutrition. I would love to train with Mark in person, but as I live in Sydney the only possibility was to work with him online – and I’m so glad I did.
So I decided to investigate his online training program.
Mark provides you with everything you need for your specific training and nutrition goals – We had a specific time limit too – I started with Mark 10 weeks out from my competition and he guided me to be completely ready for comp day. He answered every question I had about my training or nutrition (and there were lots!), and always got back to me really, really quickly, and to that end I just placed 2nd in the IFBB State Championships Master’s Figure.
I learnt so much about proper nutrition, hormonal balance and the importance of other factors like sleep and supplements on how well I trained, allowing me to get the results I wanted. I also went through comp prep full of energy with a smile on my face, which was completely different from the previous time where lack of food made me listless and miserable!
I can’t recommend Mark highly enough!
Lisa Callingham
Story 2: Victoria May: “This Was About a Lifestyle!”
I came to get help from Mark after a very turmoil year that saw my eating and binging spiral out of control after competing. I was at wits’ end not knowing how I was going to get my body back into gear. I got the tip that Maximus Mark was the person to see. So I made the call and went and saw Mark.
From the moment Mark opened his mouth, everything made sense. I was not going to be put on another stupid starvation diet; I was not going to be put on a ridiculous training plan… This was about improving everything from the inside out so that I would never have to diet another day in my life nor would I have to do endless amounts of cardio in order to stay lean. This was about a lifestyle.
It is hard to describe how grateful I am for what Mark has taught me. I have never in my life felt better, full of natural energy – yep that’s right, I don’t touch ANY fat burners or energy drinks or caffeine. It’s a daily natural high I sit on, I don’t get bloated anymore, I feel amazing, and I am not spending my whole week training! I do only what I need to which is very minimal in order to stay at a lean and at a healthy weight.
My mindset towards eating, training and supplementation has completely taken a 360 degree flip. I absolutely recommend that you speak to Mark about what you can do if you are feeling trapped and controlled by food, or training or you have obsessive behaviour about it. I promise, you won’t ever regret it!
— Victoria May, Champion Sports Model
Firstly we love running seminars so it would be our privilege to have you attend. Topics that will be covered:
- Evolutionary eating and Mark’s philosophy on nutrition
- The truth about supplements
- Why farming is the over-looked factor in health
- Training principles for getting in shape fast!
- How to structure weight training programs for female competitors (having trained numerous figure champions, including the 2 time Ms Olympia, Janet Kane, Mark is THE go to guy on the topic!)
- Why gluten makes you fat, dumb and infertile (check out the video from a previous seminar on gluten)
- How to put a contest prep together
- The ‘Be – Do – Have’ formula for success
- The mindset for long term health success
- Food preparation and meal ideas (with our own master cook, Kristine)
- The mindset of a champion (with 2 time Ms Olympia, Janet Kane)
- How to make health apart of your identity (no more diets!)
- How to get a great night’s sleep (and how sleep can affect your fat burning potential)
- About food intolerance and how to test for them
- Plus much, much more…
If you have ever been to a seminar with Mark, you know that his words hit you like a punch on the face of information… BUT in a good way!
Mark talking about Gluten
Mark talking about the need for supplements
The event will be spread over two jam-packed days and will be a weekend to remember!
Dine with us!
For the first nine people to sign up they will also receive a special invitation to dinner with the Enterprise Fitness team Saturday night at one of Mark’s and Kristine’s favourite restaurants in Melbourne. This is a great opportunity to mingle with the Enterprise Fitness crew.
Our special client only cookbooks (eBook format)
The Enterprise Fitness Cookbook eBook : 29 recipes approved by your Personal Trainer!
The Enterprise Fitness Christmas Cookbook eBook : 24 happy and healthy recipes to make with the family
My lovely fiancée Kristine is the best, healthiest cook you will meet! Ok I’m a little biased, but trust me, we receive emails every week from clients telling us how much they love Kristine’s recipes!
Step-by-Step supplement and nutrition blueprint to smash through any plateau.
It doesn’t matter if you forget everything I say in seminar, follow this hand out and you will get in shape!
The slides to take home!
Eat Your Way To Abs Manual with slides from the seminar.
July 28th and 29th 2012 (Saturday and Sunday)
Register at 9:45 am
Start 10:00 am sharp
End: 5:00 pm
Both days
855 Doncaster Road,
Doncaster, Victoria,
Quest on Doncaster
Check it out on Google Maps here:
Click here for further information about directions.
There is plenty of free parking onsite.
How much is this investment to good health?
Early bird rate: $297 (Paid in full before July 1st)
Regular rate: $497 per person (Paid after July 1st)
How to register?
To register and make a payment simply click here
Making a payment and registering online is simple and secure. We use a program called 1shoppingcart which is used by over 25,000 businesses worldwide. We do this to ensure your payment is 100% secure.
What others who have attended say:
Wes Brinckley: “I would highly recommend Eat Your Way To Abs to all.”
Mark’s Eat Your Way To Abs seminar was the most relevant nutrition information I have ever received. It provides useful and applicable detail to all who attend, regardless of background or training experience.
Whether you are stuck in the 80′s food pyramid or are a hard-core Paleo fan, Mark’s insight into the “why’s” of his information is what makes you sit up & take notice.
Backed by real world experience, I would challenge anyone to follow Mark’s advice and NOT see results.
As a trainer, type 1 diabetic & absolute nutrition enthusiast, I would highly recommend Mark’s Eat Your Way to Abs for all.”
—Wes Brinckley
Janet Kane: 2-time Ms Olympia, 3-time Ms Australia: “Thanks Mark – you truly are a trainer with exceptional knowledge and the results are there for all to see on stage!”
When faced with the task to come in harder with much leaner legs for this comp and improve over the last comp, I was very hesitant to remove the cardio as Mark had wanted. There was no logic that I could apply from my experience that would give me the confidence with this plan, but with the sheer confidence I had in Mark’s knowledge, I trusted the result would come.
In previous comp prep, I was used to doing 45 min cardio at 5 am (before the kids would wake) and then a gruelling 2-hour weight session at 9, immediately followed by the second cardio session of 30-45 minutes.
The third cardio session would be somewhere in between doing the home reading with the kids after school and cooking the dinner. And all this was done at least 12-16 weeks out from a comp.
Needless to say this comp prep did not have all that cardio included. Sure, I trained incredibly hard in the gym and in the kitchen, and I literally swapped the cardio with more sleep and happier moments with my children.
I also felt much more calm and balanced and surprisingly still maintained a higher level of carbs up until the competition than I had in previous times.
Having the weekly measurements, I was able to see the incremental changes in my body and that the program was working; seeing these changes, I became more confident in Mark’s plan as I am very results-focused. If I were only to judge by the scales, then I would have ditched the program as there was not a whole lot of change in the body weight. Gratefully my body-fat was dropping, lean mass remained the same through the whole process and the targeted sites of my legs were also significantly dropping. I was very happy.
Now that Mark has a process to eliminate the excess cardio and only use cardio as a final prep, WHY would you do it any other way?
Thanks Mark – you truly are a trainer with exceptional knowledge and the results are there for all to see on stage.
—Janet Kane, Ms Olympia, Ms Australasia, 2X Ms Australia, 2X INBA All Females winner
Terri Batsakis: Personal Trainer: “Nothing We Did Seemed to Work… Until I Met Mark and Kristine“
As a Personal Trainer, I had attended a number of courses on mainstream nutrition. I always walked out with unanswered questions and could never manage to shed my last five kgs myself, let along teach my clients to do the same. It was extremely frustrating. On top of that I was dealing with a husband and two children that were constantly getting sick, and I had no idea why! Nothing we did seemed to work.
I met Mark at the Australian Institute of Fitness; he was 1 of my coaches there. I instantly warmed to him; my gut instinct told me this was someone I needed to stay in contact with. And I was right. 18 months later, Mark was conducting the Eat Your Way to Abs seminar. Attending that was a no brainer. I had already attended a number of nutrition courses and had no results. Having looked at the people that consulted with Mark, I knew that I needed to be at this seminar. Not only did I attend, but took five people with me the next time he conducted this seminar.
At this seminar I had all my questions answered. I had a light bulb moment and everything made sense to me, regarding nutrition. Within four weeks of attending the Eat Your Way to Abs seminar the first time, I dropped six kgs! AND improved my lean muscle. On top of that I learned why my family was constantly sick; we were all intolerant to Gluten. I took us all off Gluten (yes including the kids!) and nobody has had one dose of antibiotics since then! It’s been four months. To give you an indication, my children took turns on antibiotics, one week each, and my husband had Tonsillitis fortnightly! So to be free of illness for four months is massive in our home.
I have implemented everything I have learned, and continue to learn, from Mark, with my clients too. They too are seeing some amazing results! My business has skyrocketed with all the success stories we are seeing. We always had results — we just have them faster now!
I highly recommend consulting with Mark and Kristine. You will not be disappointed! They are a wealth of knowledge and make it so easy to learn from them. They make you feel welcome and always take the time to answer any questions and provide you with the information to help you move forward. Not consulting with this couple is doing yourself and your business (if you are a PT) an injustice.
— Terri Batsakis, Personal Trainer
Reece Adams: “Just wanted to say thanks!”
Just wanted to say thank you again for pointing me in the right direction with nutrition, I have attached a picture to show you the effectiveness your Eat Your Way To Abs seminar has had on me.
—Reece Adams, WON Fitness.
Anthony Cutajar: “A big thanks to you!”
You know your stuff and I have really benefited from your help. I now understand a hell of a lot more… How to eat, stay lean, get stronger and put on muscle at the same time. I have set a goal to compete in June next year on the Gold Coast for the Asia Pacific Championships. I know I can come in leaner and more muscular on the day without a ridiculous ‘bulking up’ (fattening up) phase in between!
You have been a great coach, a great help to me and now I am more confident than ever.