From Flabby To Fit! (Rhys Story)
I was probably at the lowest of lows in my entire life when I went to see Mark about getting fit and training. I laughed a little when I first met him as he was more keen than I was too get myself fit, and from this I knew Mark wouldn’t lie to me and he’d actually […]
Ben Lant – When Results Count!
Mark not only works in the fitness industry, he lives there. Continually seeking self-development in all aspects of muscle building (aspects many people may not even consider), Mark is innovative, articulate and cutting-edge. If it’s results you’re looking for then I can certainly vouch for that. When I began working with Mark I could bench-press […]
Aidans Transformation
Aidan Guyett’s transformation working with MaXimus Mark (video) I started training with Mark in January of 2009 and started getting results that I only had dreamed about. I’d been in and out of gyms for 7 years as your average off the street person and had numerous trainers, which saw me getting the same results […]
His Helped Me Out A Lot!
Chris Triantopoulos on working with MaXimus Mark (Video)
Impossible Debunked – Sancho
This is why you should never fall prey to the lie of impossible. I had been training since my teens. I always had good discipline and wanted to get the most out of my time in the gym. I was always a little on the heavy side and like a lot of guys, I focused […]
A World of Potential – Andrew Rudakov
It’s always important to seek out expert advice in any field to maximize your potential. You’ll find that those who have achieved the greatest success are the ones who have sought out a mentor. Starting off personal training, I had no idea how to train probably and run a successful business. It proved a very […]