Behind INBA Ms Olympia (FULL STORY)
By MaXimus Mark “Second? What do you mean second? She is damn near perfect!! No! She is perfect!“ The head judge carefully replies, “Her symmetry is slightly off, you need to bring up her legs,” he says. “She is out of balance and you as her trainer have some work to do…” This was our […]
Gym Owners Next Step- Colleen (and Mick) Cutts
My husband Mick & I have always been addicted to fitness and weight training and have been doing a variety of programs for over 25 years. We were so passionate about what we and the fitness industry could do for other people we decided the next stage of our life was to become qualified personal […]
WHO Magazine February 2008, Mark and client, Christina Kitsakis were featured. In 12 weeks Christina lost 7 kilos.
“I dropped 3 to 4 dress sizes” – Natalie Smyth
I wanted to lose weight and get fit but as time went on the reasons changed; it wasn’t just about losing weight but changing my body shape, my life and my attitude towards higher goals and achieving them. I have dropped 3-4 dress sizes since I first began I am also fitter, stronger and healthier than I […]
From Flabby To Fit! (Rhys Story)
I was probably at the lowest of lows in my entire life when I went to see Mark about getting fit and training. I laughed a little when I first met him as he was more keen than I was too get myself fit, and from this I knew Mark wouldn’t lie to me and he’d actually […]
Ben Lant – When Results Count!
Mark not only works in the fitness industry, he lives there. Continually seeking self-development in all aspects of muscle building (aspects many people may not even consider), Mark is innovative, articulate and cutting-edge. If it’s results you’re looking for then I can certainly vouch for that. When I began working with Mark I could bench-press […]