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Jonny Bowden, The Rogue Nutritionist Unplugged: How To Eat & Think Yourself Healthy
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Guest Speaker: Jonny Bowden (The Rogue Nutritionist)
Jonny is the author of several titles including:
- “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth”
- “The 100 Healthiest Foods for Pregnancy” (with Allison Tannis)
- “The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth”
- “The Healthiest Meals on Earth” (with Jeannette Bessinger)
- “The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy”
- “The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer”
- “The Live Longer Cookbook” (with Jeannette Bessinger)
- “Living Low Carb” (Revised and expanded edition) (100,000 in print and winner of the “Consumer Nutrition Book of the Year” award)
- “The Healthiest 15-Minute Recipes on Earth” (with Jeannette Bessinger)
Jonny’s websites:
Before you listen to this interview, I got to share with you some personal “stuff”…
I remember way back in 2005, I would sit for hours at my computer reading every article and watching every video on I even went to the point of memorising some of his videos so if someone asked me a question on nutrition, I could answer it just like Jonny Bowden would.
It was not just his knowledge that impressed and inspired me, but it was the way in which he was able to communicate. Any intellectual moron can take something simple and make it more complex; but it takes a master to take something complex and make it simple.
And that’s what Jonny does.
Every Wednesday I would eagerly check my emails waiting for Jonny to send out his newsletter just to get his thoughts on nutrition…
Now it’s 2011 and I still eagerly check my emails every Wednesday!
Because Jonny has been a huge influence and encouragement for me to keep at what I’m doing…
Back in 2008 when I wrote the Truth About Supplements, a business mentor said to me, write a dream list of people and ask them to do a foreword for your book.
Without a second thought, number one on my list was Jonny.
So I said to myself, it’s worth a shot…
To cut a long story short, I got in contact with Jonny, he read my book, made suggestions and gave me a foreword.
Jonny is one of the best nutritionist in the world, so to have his endorsement and his encouragement to “go for it” is very special and means lot to me.
This story reminds me no matter how big and busy you get in life, always remember to lift other people up.
Enjoy this interview as Jonny truly is world class…
Huge thanks to Jonny Bowden for everything!
Maximus Mark
P.S. Make sure you subscribe to Jonny’s newsletter and while you’re at it, grab a copy of his NEW program here:
P.P.S. I keep getting asked if it’s “ok” to share these podcasts on Facebook. The answer is yes! I would encourage you to share them as it’s the only way to get the good word out on REAL health and nutrition!
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