Watch this quick 2:16 video:
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Hey guys,
Here’s the first real post back after a wild 2010!
And guess what? It only gets better!
The reason its taken a little time to send this email is because I wanted to help kick start 2011 and help you make it one to remember! So this is what WE are doing…
Let me introduce Kat Eden.
Kat Eden, a fellow Biosignature practitioner who specialises in female fat loss and is the author of Secrets of Lasting Weight Loss. She’s an amazing gal who really understands the maze to female’s weight loss. She’s the owner and creator of Body Incredible, an online community that offers weekly articles on training and nutrition.
We have teamed up to kick-start your year with the best fat blasting and muscle building advice – seriously – this information is dynamite!
Want to get Leaner, Stronger, Hotter?
Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Kat, I asked her as many questions as I could fit in 41 minutes – so its jam-packed full of material!
Here’s a snapshot of what Kat covered:
- The very tricky topic of female fat loss
- Her top 5 super charged supplements that are a must – specifically for females
- Common myths and mistakes on female fat loss
- Her personal beliefs around pregnancy, training and nutrition! (I found this extremely interesting!!)
- Plus loads more
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Here’s a snapshot of what I covered:
- Common myths on training and nutrition for ‘getting lean’ as well as for competing
- The biggest mistake that people make when it comes to food for fat loss
- What bodybuilders do wrong
- How I transformed my own body from chubby kid
- A typical day’s eating
- The truth about calorie counting – and the somewhat history of this outdated method- (Yes- I rant in this one, I know that makes you want it more now)
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You can purchase the audios with Kat and myself (yes that’s two interviews for the price of 1!) below, for JUST $13.50.
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If you ask me – it’s literally a steal- give to charity, get motivated and get the information you need to transform your body!
PS. Don’t over-think this one guys; I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised at how much great information we have packed into these audios
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