Find Out How to Beat the Bloat with Muscle Testing!
Hit a plateau but can’t tell why? Maybe it’s your nutrition. Or supplementation (or lack of it). Or your facecream/bodywash/shampoo… Muscle testing is a quick, non-invasive tool that can give you the answers. It relies on applied kinesiology to determine nutrients, foods and supplements that is optimal (or not!) for your unique biochemistry. In fact, […]
How To Lean Out Your Legs
‘Spot reduction’ and targeting ‘trouble areas’ has long been deemed a myth. 100 crunches a day won’t get you washboard abs – the way that 100 glute bridges won’t get rid of stubborn leg fat. The answer is to get lean and lose fat all over. But what if you’re already a seasoned Figure Competitor […]
Eating Meat Does Not Make You Superior NOR Does Being Vegan.
Eating meat does not make you superior… NOR does being vegan. Culturally, we ate meat based on availability and where we lived in the world. Yes, factory farming is atrocious… But that is not what I choose or teach people to choose. The Lion King said it best, there is a circle of life. Human […]
Mark gets Frank with CrossFitters… Mark on The Mind Muscle Project
“In regards to bodybuilding competitions I’ve seen girls from other coaches end up in hospital, I’ve seen girls from other coaches never being able to fully recover and ending up being 10, 15 and even 20kg’s overweight…” Mark reveals to the listeners of The Mind Muscle Project the methods for maintaining effective 1 on 1 […]
John Meadows on The Enterprise Fitness Podcast!
Sit back and relax while Enterprise Master Trainer, Reece Adams interviews Bodybuilding and Hypertrophy expert, John Meadows in a 90 minute long, no holds barred interview.
“Hey Mark, I am desperate to lose weight. How do I make it happen fast?”
It’s not a nice thing to witness, someone desperately wishing a part of his or her body away. Yet I experience this a lot, in fact most days. Most often it’s with competitors one or two months after they step off the stage. Tired from a brutal comp prep, drastic weight gain has left their […]