News Years Kick Start!
Watch this quick 2:16 video: Order now Hey guys, Here’s the first real post back after a wild 2010! And guess what? It only gets better! The reason its taken a little time to send this email is because I wanted to help kick start 2011 and help you make it one to remember! […]
Vitamin Water
I’m still trying to figure out if Vitamin Water is for real… Try this on for size… Next time you go to pour yourself a fresh, tall glass of pure water, add six teaspoons of sugar to it. Do you think it’s still healthy? Not a chance! And if sugar wasn’t enough, Vitamin Water also […]
Learing from Charles Poliquin Part 2
Lets pick up from where we left off last week… 3. Gluten is REALLY That Bad I’ve been telling people to lay off gluten for fat loss reasons for years! However it goes much deeper than that… The body actually treats gluten sensitivity more like a virus than a food allergen response. A gluten sensitivity […]
Got Milk?
Watch the video below: There is this idea that milk is healthy and beneficial and under certain conditions it can be. However, those conditions are currently illegal. “Milk is good For You” How many times have we heard that statement? We watch commercials and read research (put out by the dairy industry) that is designed […]
Water… Bottled or Tapped?
Bottled or Tapped? The Drinking Water Conundrum You Need To Know By Maximus Mark Author of The Truth About Supplements Series and Eat Your Way To Abs, Maybe this isn’t the ‘IN’ topic right now, but oh gosh it’s important! It’s something that affects the health of every single person on the planet. The topic […]
History of Trans-Fats
Mark talks about the history of Trans-fats. Taken from Eat Your Way To Abs Seminar 24th of July 2010 in Melbourne, Australia