How Good Of A Trainer Are You?
In this video Fab does the overhead squat test, but can you pick out his weaknesses and strengths before Master Trainer Reece does? Related posts: Eating Meat Does Not Make You Superior NOR Does Being Vegan I’m Suiting Up – Raising The Stakes and Raising the Standards! The Fitness Industry Has Its Own Fidget Spinner
How to Do a Push-Up with Proper Form and Technique
A push up looks incredibly simple – just keep your body in a plank position and push against the floor, I mean, how hard can that be? The answer is – VERY! That is, if you’re doing it correctly. Many people go about doing push ups wrong, so here’s a short video with 4 simple cues […]
The Fitness Industry Has Its Own Fidget Spinner
12-week body transformation packages. Weight loss challenges. Online training… They all have one thing in common with fidget spinners – they’re trends that eventually die down. This is the problem with most personal trainers. They jump on the latest ‘trend’ and then spend so much time trying to sell them on social media. And as […]
How To Lean Out Your Legs
‘Spot reduction’ and targeting ‘trouble areas’ has long been deemed a myth. 100 crunches a day won’t get you washboard abs – the way that 100 glute bridges won’t get rid of stubborn leg fat. The answer is to get lean and lose fat all over. But what if you’re already a seasoned Figure Competitor […]
Eating Meat Does Not Make You Superior NOR Does Being Vegan.
Eating meat does not make you superior… NOR does being vegan. Culturally, we ate meat based on availability and where we lived in the world. Yes, factory farming is atrocious… But that is not what I choose or teach people to choose. The Lion King said it best, there is a circle of life. Human […]
The 2016 WolfPack Program So Far…
And the year still isn’t over. Wolfpack is THE program for Trainers. 25 days of hardcore seminars and mentoring. We have had some incredibly high profile visitors for the Wolfpack program this year! We hosted master Muscle Tester and gifted practitioner, Bob Guiel; ex-winter games Olympian and legendary strength coach, Andre Benoit and sales genius […]