Don’t Miss Out! Discover the Secrets to the 3-time Ms Australia, Janet Kane and get Exclusive Advice on How to get in Shape for Summer


Early bird prices end only in a few days for the last Eat Your Way to Abs Seminar for 2011. If you’re still hesitating let me help you figure out if this is for you…

If you can relate to these then here are 7 of the many topics that will be covered at Eat Your Way to Abs Seminar.

1. How many times have you said, “I’m going to start eating well on Monday”? Do you lack the right mindset and motivation? We will teach you how you to set your goals based on what’s most important to you.

2. Supplements! You can slash your supplement expenses by learning which brands and supplements to buy so you don’t waste a dime. Stop wasting your hard earned cash on supplements that don’t work!

3. Chocolate, Brownies, Ice cream, Cheese and Crackers, Pizza…How do you control those cravings and stop bringing yourself back to square one? It comes down to insulin and sugar!

4. Gluten! It’s in your bread, oats, sauce…everywhere! Is that what makes you feel bloated and full after a meal? Is it keeping you from losing those last few kilos?

5. Do you carry a diary and attempt to count calories of all the food you eat? Is it time consuming? Is it working? You will understand why Calorie Counting doesn’t work and will only leave you frustrated and overweight.

6. What is really in the soil that our food grows in? Why is organic and free range better? Is it another marketing ploy?

7. Learn from someone who has been there and done it! Special Q & A session with Janet Kane…3-time Ms Australia and Ms Olympia (and scored multiple other 1st place titles).  I don’t respect this woman because of her medals or her amazing physique, I respect her because she is just like anyone…runs her own business, has a couple of kids and a husband…but she doesn’t let everyday life stop her from reaching her goals! She will definitely WOW you.

PLUS you get amazing bonuses to take away and can start implementing your new healthy lifestyle as soon as you walk out the door!

There are only a few seats left and like I said, early bird prices end in a few days.

Early bird rate: $147 (Paid in full before October 15th)

Regular rate: $197 (Paid in full after October 15th)


Click on for full details on signing up and registration.


Saturday, 19th of November 2011

Register at 9:45 am

Start 10:00 am sharp

End: 5:00 pm


277 Reynolds Road, East Doncaster, 3109 Mel Ref 34 H6 Currawong Conference Room

Check it out on Google Maps here: If the link doesn’t work, copy and paste the address in the search bar. It’s just down the road from the Pines Shopping Centre. There is plenty of parking onsite.

How to register?

Click on the image below and fill out the form on the following page.


Alternatively, click here

Making a payment and registering online is simple and secure. We use a program called 1shoppingcart which is used by over 25,000 businesses worldwide. We do this to ensure your payment is 100% secure.

Eat Your Way To Abs July 2010:

The investment?

Early bird rate: $147 (Paid in full before October 15th)

Regular rate: $197 per person (paid after October 15th)


Bonus 1: Special Q and A session with Natural Ms Olympia, Janet Kane. That’s right, you can ask her any questions you like!

Bonus 2: 29 recipes approved by me! All the recipes are direct from the worlds healthiest chef; My Girlfriend! Our cookbook has only been available to our personal clients… But when you sign up to the seminar, we will email you a copy immediately!

Bonus 3: The Eat Your Way To Abs Shopping List

Bonus 4: Step-by-Step Nutrition and Supplement Plan

Bonus 5: The Eat Your Way To Abs workbook/Manual



“Great seminar Mark, the knowledge I gained from the seminar was invaluable not only was I able to make changes to achieve great health goals but i was able to pass that information on to my client who have also reaped the benefits. Can’t wait for the next one!” —Adam Fato, Personal Trainer, Pinnacle Lifestyle & Fitness

“A good trainer is someone who understands their clients’ needs – who understands that they will never know everything and someone who is constantly looking at how to improve their knowledge and methods. A good PT needs to show that their methods work by producing RESULTS. Mark has produced champion after champion, successful weight loss with client after client – practical real world results – confirming that Maximus Mark is one of the leaders in the fitness industry.”

—George Mariolis, Owner of Definition Exercise and Training Headquarters

“Since listening to Mark’s advice, about supplementation truth and nutrition…I have built muscle like never before…I have also dropped to my ideal weight and stayed there even when I didn’t train for a week on holidays…and I can lift so much more…eating and supplementation used to be a challenge for me…because I would read so much conflicting information….now it’s a mystery no more. Thank you Mark for your dedication to providing the real information for people.” —John Anderson, Business owner

“Mark with what you have taught me, and shown me over the short time I have known you, has been inspirational. You changed the way I look at life, your attitude to negativity, how to turn a negative into a positive, you have been a inspiration to me, it has been this inspiration that makes me dig deeper for the things I want in life. Failure is not an option. Thank you for all the motivation that you have given me.” —Dennis Newham, Victoria Business owner

“When faced with the task to come in harder with much leaner legs for this comp and improve over the last comp, I was very hesitant to remove the cardio as Mark had wanted. There was no logic that I could apply from my experience that would give me the confidence with this plan, but with the sheer confidence I had in Mark’s knowledge, I trusted the result would come.

“In previous comp prep, I was used to doing 45 min cardio at 5 am (before the kids would wake) and then a grueling 2-hour weight session at 9, immediately followed by the second cardio session of 30-45 minutes. The third cardio session would be somewhere in between doing the home reading with the kids after school and cooking the dinner. And all this was done at least 12-16 weeks out from a comp.

“Needless to say this comp prep did not have all that cardio included. Sure I trained incredibly hard in the gym and in the kitchen, and I literally swapped the cardio with more sleep and happier moments with my children. I also felt much more calm and balanced and surprisingly still maintained a higher level of carbs up until the competition than I had in previous times. “Having the weekly measurements, I was able to see the incremental changes in my body and that the program was working; seeing these changes, I became more confident in Mark’s plan as I am very results focused. If I were only to judge by the scales, then I would have ditched the program as there was not a whole lot of change in the body weight. Gratefully my body-fat was dropping, lean mass remained the same through the whole process and the targeted sites of my legs were also significantly dropping. I was very happy.

“Now that Mark has a process to eliminate the excess cardio and only use cardio as a final prep, WHY would you do it any other way? “Thanks Mark – you truly are a trainer with exceptional knowledge and the results are there for all to see on stage”

—Janet Kane, Ms Olympia, Ms Australasia, 2X Ms Australia, 2X INBA All Females winner


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