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Michael McEvoy is a wealth of knowledge. In this interview Michael explains us:
- The differences between functional health care and allopathic health care
- Adrenal health and how to maximize it
- Gut and digestion function (and what supplements to take)
- How caffeine affects adrenal health and digestion
- What are fast and slow oxidators
- The myth of acid and alkaline nutrition
- Action steps to take to maximize your health scientifically
If you’re concerned about adrenal health, digestion issues, or simply want to learn more about the body, this interview is a must!
Michael has also been kind enough to offer 10% of his services. Just make sure you tell him Maximus Mark sent you.
Michaels website is
He offers a number of services including Adrenal and Hormone Assessments to Hair Tissue and Mineral Analysis. Contact Michael to find out what you need.
Michael McEvoys Bio
Michael began studying nutrition in-depth in 2003 after having returned from a trip to India and becoming very ill. He used all the available knowledge of self-healing, which was imparted to him by local holistic health practitioners living in his hometown of Chicago, Illinois. Within months he regained his health.
Michael began to pursue intensive gut healing, radical dietary shifts, and an increased intensity of his yoga practice. He left his career as a commodity broker and became a full-time yoga teacher in 2004, where he taught at Chicago’s prestigious Moksha Yoga Center. He had the opportunity to study yoga and healing with many of the world’s finest teachers.
Michael’s serious nutrition work began when studying nutrition and microscopy with long-time nutritionist Jim Jordan, CNC, JD. He was also trained in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis by the world’s foremost authority on Hair Analysis, Lawrence Wilson, MD. Michael began a long-term apprenticeship with Chicago Metabolic Type Nutritionist, Jim Marlowe, by whom he was initially trained in Metabolic Type Nutrition and blood chemistry interpretation.
Being a Certified Nutritional Consultant (CNC) through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, a Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor (CMTA) through William Wolcott’s Metabolic Typing Institute and a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist (FDN) through the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Institute, Michael is a dedicated, nutrition professional who works with clients nationally and internationally. He offers a wide spectrum of services for local and distance clientele.
Michael currently resides in Santa Cruz, California.
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Maximus Mark
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