The Truth About Thyroid and Weight Loss with Dr. Todd Stone, author of “When Did Natural Become the Alternative.”
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Did you know a 1% increase in thyroid function can be as much as a 4% increase in metabolism?
Thyroid absolutely affects your weight loss efforts and a down-regulated thyroid often goes undiagnosed.
Learn the questions you need to ask your doctor in this podcast with Dr. Todd Stone.
In this interview:
- The auto-immune link and thyroid dysfunction
- Discussion of thyroid markers such as TSH and T3
- Thyroid dysfunction symptoms
- The link between adrenal health and thyroid
- How thyroid affects weight loss
Please consult a qualified practitioner if you need thyroid treatment. This interview is for entertainment purposes only, it does NOT intend to treat cure or prevent any illness, disease or problems.
For more information on Dr. Todd Stone visit
Maximus Mark
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