Functional Testing : What Tests To Run To Accelerate Results

Hey hey Folks! It’s Maximus Mark and today I am back with another podcast! Copy and paste this link in your browser to listen to the full interview: Problems downloading: Old versions of Firefox do not support podcasts. Please try opening this link in either Safari or Chrome. Additionally, you can press the grey […]

The Untold History of Trans-Fats (and why they are poison)

Trans-fats are unfortunately common and wreak havoc on health. Trans-fats are not natural. The easiest way to explain trans-fats is – a processed, chemically made fat that does nothing positive for the body. If that doesn’t put you off this will: Shortening was developed in 1907 by the Proctor & Gamble Company. They were looking […]

(Quick Rant!) Why sugar is bad for you…

The two leading causes of obesity in the western world are, in my opinion, the over consumption of trans-fats and sugar. Sadly, due to disguised ingredients, you might not even be aware you’re eating them even if you have sworn off them for life. The Modern Diet When you take a walk through the supermarket […]

Tough Mudder Training Tips (Melbourne)

These were the fitness entry requirements for Tough Mudder 10km run 25 push ups 6 pull ups 45 metre swim Sweeeet!! I’m in!! I probably need to increase my running sessions but otherwise I should get through. When I don’t have any set goals around my fitness (training for the sake of training) my training […]

How Do Sports Models and Figure Competitiors Get in Shape?

Have You Ever Wondered How Sports Models or Figure Competitors Get in Shape? email to be put on the waiting list – Fully booked I certainly have. I wonder why more of them don’t end up in hospital with some of the diets, training and cardio regimes they follow… I’ve been consulting and training […]