My Top 3 Tips For Personal Trainers Working in Big Box Gyms
There’s nothing wrong with working in big organizations (IBO) at the start of your career – in fact it’s a great start. But very few move on to become independent business owners (IBO), because it requires a truck load of planning and experimenting (and failing!). Take it from someone who’s gone through the process 7 […]
Find Out How to Beat the Bloat with Muscle Testing!
Hit a plateau but can’t tell why? Maybe it’s your nutrition. Or supplementation (or lack of it). Or your facecream/bodywash/shampoo… Muscle testing is a quick, non-invasive tool that can give you the answers. It relies on applied kinesiology to determine nutrients, foods and supplements that is optimal (or not!) for your unique biochemistry. In fact, […]
How to Do a Push-Up with Proper Form and Technique
A push up looks incredibly simple – just keep your body in a plank position and push against the floor, I mean, how hard can that be? The answer is – VERY! That is, if you’re doing it correctly. Many people go about doing push ups wrong, so here’s a short video with 4 simple cues […]
Are You ‘Purchasing’ Clients?
As personal trainers, we are working in a ‘people’ industry. That means, to get clients, you need to reach more people. And in the age of social media, online marketing and sales will inevitably form an important part of your business. The problem is, so many trainers these days make social media the FOCUS of their […]
The Race To the Bottom.. I’m Watching From The Top (Stop Undercutting Your Competition)
Let’s talk about the race to the bottom. If I charge $500 per hour, you charge $400 to beat me. If you charge $400, someone will charge $300 to beat you. If they charge $300, someone else will charge $200 to them. And so forth until prices are in the vicinity of $5 to $10 […]
Business Is A Lie – Didn’t You Get The Memo?
So I’ve had time to think. Systemising your business allows the luxury of being alone with ones thoughts… The question is: What if business is just one great big lie.. At first you’re promised passive income, yet it takes work (hard work) to build a business. Next you’re promised freedom, but when business grows so […]